Notibar Example example

Grab Your Readers's Attention
with our FREE Notification Bar

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Features & Benefits

color picker
Custom Look & feel Customize the appearance of the notification bar changing the colors, fonts and texture.
color picker
Statistics Analyze clicks , views and conversion rate with your notibar panel.
color picker
Bitly & Google Analytics Fully integrated with bitly and Google Analytics. Keep the statistics on your own account.
color picker
Wordpress Plugin Easy to install on any WordPress blog with the notibar plugin

How it Works

1- Create and customize your notification bar

create notification bar
Add your text and colors, change the textures, use our visual tool to customize your bar to fit in your web design

2- Embed the javascript code on your site

Embed the code
Place the javascript code before the </body> tag. You can use also the Wordpress plugin. You need to do this only once, then you can change the text or appearance directly for the notibar dashboard.

Enjoy it !

Embed the code
Thats all , Relax and see the results on the Notibar panel or your own Google Analytics dashboard.